Capitol Weekly Podcast

Six Guiding Principles of Governing California - Bob Hertzberg

Episode Summary

We hear a lot of discussion about what it takes to campaign for Governor of California, but, as in the 1972 film The Candidate, not so much about what it takes to govern the state. Former Senate Majority Leader and Assembly Speaker Bob Hertzberg has served as an advisor to governors and want-to-be-governors for decades. With the race to replace Governor Gavin Newsom in 2026 heating up, Hertzberg joined us to share his Six Principles for Governing California. Plus - Who Had the Worst Week in CA Politics?

Episode Notes

We hear a lot of discussion about what it takes to campaign for Governor of California, but, as in the 1972 film The Candidate, not so much about what it takes to govern the state. Former Senate Majority Leader and Assembly Speaker Bob Hertzberg has served as an advisor to governors and want-to-be-governors for decades. With the race to replace Governor Gavin Newsom in 2026 heating up, Hertzberg joined us to share his Six Principles for Governing California. Plus - Who Had the Worst Week in CA Politics?

:45 How to govern

2:27 Mervyn Dymally

3:58 Six Guiding Principles for Governing California 

4:55 1. Queen Calafia

7:42 2. Robert Redford, Wax on Wax off, and Picasso

9:56 3. The Princess Bride

10:56 4. Jimmy Carter

14:35 5. Exit Memo

15:45 6. Love Actually

19:29 Two-way ears

22:30 Governor Pete Wilson

26:56 Thick skin

30:50 #WWCA

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Capitol Weekly Podcast theme is "Pickin' My Way" by Eddie Lang 

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