Capitol Weekly Podcast

A conversation with Speaker Emeritus Anthony Rendon

Episode Summary

Our guest today is Assembly Speaker Emeritus Anthony Rendon. Rendon joined us for a fascinating conversation that looked back over his seven year tenure as Speaker, through some of the most turbulent times in the state's history, and forward, as he outlined his goals for the remainder of his time in office. In an in-depth and roaming conversation that ranged from the Water Bond to Waiting for Godot, Rendon spoke plainly about the joys and challenges of creating meaningful policy, in contrast to what he called "Fashion Show Politics" - i.e. the unfunded Single Payer bill he derailed in 2017. Plus, as always, we tell you who had the Worst Week in California Politics.

Episode Notes

Our guest today is Assembly Speaker Emeritus Anthony Rendon. Rendon joined us for a fascinating conversation that looked back over his seven year tenure as Speaker, through some of the most turbulent times in the state's history, and forward, as he outlined his goals for the remainder of his time in office. In an in-depth and roaming conversation that ranged from the Water Bond to Waiting for Godot, Rendon spoke plainly about the joys and challenges of creating meaningful policy, in contrast to what he called "Fashion Show Politics" - i.e. SB 562, the unfunded Single Payer bill he derailed in 2017.\

Plus, as always,  we tell you who had the Worst Week in California Politics.

Show Notes

:55 Expanding a homeless services pilot program, AB 1948

5:40 The deficit

7:20 "Our rainy day fund is larger than the budget of 33 states"

7:35 Spending time on The Arts

15:55 Looking back on seven years as Speaker

19:21 "Nobody can say we don't do anything in California"

22:31 The death of SB 562

24:49 "Fashion Show Politics"

25:23 More cynical, or more optimistic about politics?

28:21 The Recall

30:30 #WWCA - How is a governor like a quarterback?

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Capitol Weekly Podcast theme is "Pickin' My Way" by Eddie Lang

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